My Favorite Easter Projects

Some of you already know that I’m a total Pinterest fanatic, and during one of my recent pinning frenzies I came across a number of cute projects for Easter. If you’re in the mood to get crafty this weekend, check out my Easter Pinterest board. Here are some examples of the projects and recipes you’ll […]

March 26, 2013 Miscelleneous

Miniature Food Jewelry: Wearable Breakfast Treats

I’m not quite ready to kick my tiny breakfast habit, after spending so much time hanging out with little eggs and mini pancakes while working on the How to Sculpt Miniature Breakfast Foods book, so I decided to indulge and make a few food jewelry pieces (and a couple of dollhouse miniature plates, too). Here’s […]

Miniature Food Jewelry: Looking Back at Four Years of Sculpting

Now that I’m finished with the How to Sculpt Miniature Breakfast Foods book, I need to start restocking the food jewelry pieces my shop, and, inspired by some of the new techniques I developed for the book, I decided to spend some time updating a few of my food jewelry best sellers. It can be […]

Making Miniature Food: 6 Sculpting Tips

Many of you already have your copy of my new dollhouse miniature tutorial, How to Sculpt Miniature Breakfast Foods, and I want to give you a handful of ways to expand on the techniques presented in the book. If you’re not on my mailing list, you’ll be able to get a copy here on March […]

The New Tutorial Book Photos are Finished!

Oh, hallelujah! I’ve been a miniature food-sculpting, photo-taking fiend for the past week or two, and this afternoon, I snapped the last photo for the upcoming breakfast foods tutorial book. What’s next? Now I need to take the hundred or so photos, edit them, and take the photos and the tutorial text that I’ve already […]

Making Dollhouse Miniature Oatmeal and Other Breakfast Foods

Work on the new miniature breakfast foods tutorial continues, and I had a tiny triumph yesterday while making miniature oatmeal. I’ve never been satisfied with my previous attempts; the texture just wasn’t quite right. But I’ve finally unlocked the secrets of tiny oatmeal (buahahah–take that, oatmeal!), and I’ve outlined the entire process in the new […]

February 28, 2013 dollhouse miniatures

Miniature Breakfast Foods: Upcoming Tutorial Book

For the past month, I’ve been working on a brand new tutorial book, issue seven in the Dollhouse Chef Series. Many of you voted on Facebook for the topic, and the winner was…breakfast foods! With the new book you’ll learn how to sculpt everything from cereal and hash browns to muffins and quiche, and I’ll […]

February 27, 2013 dollhouse miniatures

Making American Girl St. Patrick’s Day Desserts

Yesterday and today, I’ve been working on a custom order for St. Patrick-themed sweets in American Girl-18″ doll size. I snapped a few pictures as I worked so you could see some of the process! First off, I used templates that I drew in an illustration program and printed on card stock to cut out […]

February 13, 2013 dollhouse miniatures

Studio Peek: A Round Up of New Miniatures

Yesterday was a flurry of sculpting as I prepare for an upcoming (and long overdue) vacation this Friday. My inventory has been pitifully low, so I created a variety of new pieces, and I’ll be working on more today as well. Here’s a little tour of the new goodies. Sandwich earrings galore… BLT Earrings Peanut […]

February 12, 2013 dollhouse miniatures

Making An 18″ Doll Valentine Cottage and Heart Cake

The Valentine madness continues with more love-themed sweets for American Girl and other 18″ dolls. The pieces below are for a custom order, but if you’d like some of your own, just get in touch here. First off, I created a cardboard cake form packed full of aluminum foil, which was wrapped in white polymer […]

January 31, 2013 dollhouse miniatures
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