Yesterday was a flurry of sculpting as I prepare for an upcoming (and long overdue) vacation this Friday. My inventory has been pitifully low, so I created a variety of new pieces, and I’ll be working on more today as well. Here’s a little tour of the new goodies.

Sandwich earrings galore…

BLT Earrings

IMGA0519Peanut Butter and Jelly Earrings

pbBlackbrryGrilled Cheese Earrings

grillChzNewCheeseburger Earrings

IMGA0527Taco Earrings


Blueberry Pancake Earrings


And for dollhouse miniature foods, I made a takeout container with a cheeseburger and fries. You can get the beer here.


IMGA0503And a plate of heart-shaped sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles.

IMGA0508Last but not least, I have a new bundt cake and Jell-O mold in my shop, which you can use to make your own mini sweets.
