This week marks the first stretch of non-billion-degree days here in Missouri. It’s glorious. I know there’s still plenty of time for boiling weather, but today it feels like fall, and I’m in heaven. Yesterday’s Tiny Food Wednesday was all about harvest-themed baked goods, and I filled an entire dessert tower with miniature sweets. Yum! […]
Category: The Nutmeg Family

Making Dollhouse Easter Baskets [free printable]
The mice and I are getting ready for Easter, and we have some adorable treats for you! First off, I’ve made a chocolate bunny mold, perfect for tucking into itty-bitty Easter baskets. You can get the mold on its own here, or save 15% when you purchase it as part of a mold bundle: Set […]

Looking back at 10 years of tiny food
Every once in awhile, I enjoy poring through old tiny-food folders, finding cute photos I’d completely forgotten. Today, I want to walk down memory lane with a Valentine’s Day twist. But, being the new year and all, I’m also feeling reflective about The Mouse Market as a whole. It’s interesting to see how my business […]

The Nutmegs Make a Discovery
The Nutmegs and I were out foraging this morning, and we came upon something curious. I should say they came upon something curious, because it was so small I probably would’ve missed it. The Nutmegs were astonished, and Papa explained that he hadn’t seen these since he was just a mouseling. Hadn’t seen what, exactly? […]

The Mice Decorate for Christmas
Just like a real living room is wont to do, my tiny Christmas room is getting messier by the day. The Nutmegs are whisker-deep in wrapping presents, so there are cute bags, papers, tissue, and presents everywhere. Ah well, it’ll all be worth it once the pretty packages are nestled beneath the tree! To get […]

A Tiny Woodland Mouse House
The tiny woodland house is done! And so is my latest tutorial book detailing how to make the house, the furniture and accessories, and the forest feast. Get your copy here: A Tiny Woodland Mouse House I also have a brand new mini food mold for making dollhouse raspberries and blackberries. Get the berry mold […]

The Woodland Home Gets Mossy
I am obsessed with moss, so I was thrilled to learn that the Nutmegs are, too, and that they want their little woodland retreat to feature plenty of it. For the past week, the mice and I have been busy plastering the exterior and interior walls, adding a polished pebble foundation, and doing a little […]

New Project: It’s Mousey and Woodland-y
I’ve been working on the new Japanese foods tutorial book, and about a week ago, I hit a major wall. I was feeling serious creative blockage, and I wasn’t enjoying my mini making for the first time in a long time. Mice to the rescue! I’ve decided to take a break on the Japanese food book […]

The Nutmegs Make Miniature Caramel Apples
Fall is in the air, and the Nutmegs and I are already planning fun Halloween and harvest-time projects. While poring over cookbooks, I learned that the Nutmegs had never eaten caramel apples (what?!), so I knew that was our first order of business. We decided to set up a little demo kitchen rather than cooking in […]

The Nutmegs Move In
Things have been so busy here in the studio that the Nutmegs and I haven’t had time to post their moving-in pictures. But Mira Nutmeg finally got around uploading some of the moving-day photos onto my computer for me, and here they are. The house is only partially furnished, and it needs some serious decorating, […]