Search: italian book

The NEW Italian Foods Book is Here!

Today’s the day! The latest installment in the Dollhouse Chef Series, How to Sculpt Miniature Italian Foods From Polymer Clay, is available. Through Saturday, July 5, at midnight, the book is 10% off–no coupon code necessary. There are three ways to download your copy of the new book: on its own, right here as part […]

Italian Foods Book Table of Contents Sneak Peek

The book is nearing completion, and I’ve finished all of the writing and the layout as of yesterday. The writing has been dropped into the layout, and tomorrow I’ll be working on dropping all of the project photos in as well. There’s a small handful of photos that I need to take again, because I’m […]

Dollhouse Miniature Italian Foods: A New Book!

At long last, I’ve finally begun work on the next issue of The Dollhouse Chef Series, and this time one is all about Italian foods–buon appetito!  I have the entire table of contents mapped out, and while there’s always room for changes at this stage, it looks like the final book will have between 30 to […]

Tutorial Book Update & Other Fun News

While it might seem as if I’ve fallen into a very large hole in the earth, your tutorial requests are still coming along! Since last we (blog) spoke, I’ve signed up to do a handful of projects for American Miniaturist this year, and I have some other projects underway as well, so to ensure that […]

Working on a New Miniature Food Book

After the release of Dollhouse Miniature Mexican Foods, I found myself needing a creative recharge. I took a few days off, and when I returned to mini making, I decided to do one project purely for enjoyment, focusing on whatever floats my miniature boat. I came across a gorgeous photograph of pizza from Parlor Pizza […]

Miniature Italian Foods Tutorial: A Peek at the Cover

It’s always exciting for me when I finish the cover of a book I’m working on; somehow it makes everything feel more real. I spent all day yesterday working on the writing, and I’m continuing with that today, so I hope to have a significant portion of the text completed before the weekend. In the meantime, […]

Dollhouse Miniature Sweets, Italian Style

Today’s post is all about the sweet stuff. The final part of the sculpting for the Italian book was a handful of desserts, which I completed yesterday, and I want to give you a sneak peek at all of the treats you’ll learn how to make with the new upcoming book. A quick announcement before we […]

Dollhouse Veal Milanese, Eggplant Rollatini, and More Miniature Italian Foods

I got quite a bit finished yesterday for the upcoming Italian foods book, so I have lots of pictures for you today! If you’ve missed the first two posts, be sure to check out more yummy Italian pics here and here. For today’s dishes, first off we have a delicious platter of veal milanese with deliciously crispy […]

Miniature Bakery and Ice Cream Parlor: Time For a New Project!

Now that the Italian book has been completed, it’s time for a new miniatures project, and I’ve decided to choose something based on how much fun I anticipate having throughout the process. 😉 I need at least one project before the busy holiday season is upon me to really get the creative juices flowing, and this miniature bakery […]

Miniature Lamb Chops and Linguine with Clams

Two of the most time-consuming projects for the upcoming Italian book were finished yesterday, lamb chops and linguine with clams, and I have some pictures of both dishes to share with you today. Don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list to get an email (and a coupon) when the new mini food tutorial […]

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