Search: italian book

Dollhouse Miniature Dishes Back In Stock

As you’re working on your Italian food projects from How to Sculpt Miniature Italian Foods From Polymer Clay, these oven-safe ceramic dishes will make your sculpting that much easier: you can make and bake your foods directly on the dishes! I’ve also restocked on the popular takeout containers that are great for garlic bread, pizzas, […]

New Dollhouse Miniatures for Your Food Projects

I’ve listed brand new dollhouse kitchen accessories in my shop to help you with your food scenes as you work through the projects from How to Sculpt Miniature Italian Foods. Everything from colanders and pots for boiling pasta to oven-safe dinner plates and round cutting boards for pizzas. UPDATE: Many of these items sold out very […]

Dollhouse Miniature Pizza, Baked Ziti and More

I’m wrapping up the last of the projects for the upcoming Italian foods tutorial book, and today I have more yummy pictures to show you. In an earlier post, I gave you a peek at the pizza Margherita that will be included in the book, but I wanted to create a project for an Americanized pepperoni […]

Food Jewelry Falafel and Other Minis

We’re taking a short interlude from the Italian food pictures (more next week, I promise!) so I can show you a couple of custom orders I’ve just completed. The first is a pendant of a pita pocket with crispy falafel, red onion, lettuce, and tomato–yum! Second, I sculpted a set of miniature macarons in a variety of […]

Dollhouse Miniature Breadsticks, Swordfish and More

Yesterday I finished all but one of the savory dishes for the Italian foods book, which means that I only have to sculpt that final savory dish and a small handful of Italian desserts before the sculpting/photographing portion is complete–hurrah! Next week, I’ll work on the writing portion, which I hope to have done by […]

Dollhouse Miniature Arancini, Pasta Shells and More

I have some good news today: I’ve less than ten projects left to sculpt for the upcoming Italian foods book, half of them desserts, and then I can dive into the writing and book layout. The finish line is approaching, and I’m hoping to have a rough draft of the book done within the next […]

Miniature Pasta, Five Ways

Yesterday, I was sculpting a pot of miniature mussels marinara over pasta (which I’ll be showing you in a future post–it’s taking me awhile to make), and I had a bunch of pasta left over, so I decided to make spaghetti dishes with different sauces and toppings. Let’s take a peek… Making the pasta: First […]

Dollhouse Miniature Cannelloni, Stuffed Clams and More

The upcoming Italian foods book is progressing nicely, and I have less than a dozen projects left to sculpt. Then, it will be time to do the writing, after which I create the book layout and drop all of the happy content into the layout. The end is (somewhat) in sight! Today, I want to share […]

Dollhouse Miniature Lasagna, Focaccia, and Eggplant Parmesan

I’ve been sculpting away on more Italian foods, and work on the upcoming tutorial book is coming right along! If you’ve missed earlier posts about the book, you can get caught up here. Yesterday, I sculpted focaccia bread with sea salt and rosemary, which would look lovely as part of an Italian dinner scene or in […]

Dollhouse Miniature Pizza, Fettuccine Alredo, and Chicken Piccata

Work on the upcoming Italian foods book continues, and yesterday I finished three more dishes: a pizza Margherita, a plate of fettuccine alfredo, and chicken piccata. The pizza has a bubbly, browned crust, mozzarella, basil, and homemade tomato sauce. (Get the cutting board here.) I’ll also be including instructions for a more Americanized pizza with […]

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