I want to show you how to make tiny glass gem corn today, because it’s just so darn pretty, but first a bit of studio news: The mice and I (and my husband!) are moving to our first house. We’ll be moving over Memorial Day weekend, and by next week I’ll have my new studio […]
Category: Miscelleneous

Cyber Monday Sale Details
It’s time for my annual Cyber Monday Sale! Here’s what you need to know: The sale starts at midnight (CST) this Sunday, 11/27. The sale ends at midnight on Monday, 11/28. The sale is only in my Etsy shop. No coupon code needed; items will be discounted in my shop. There are limited quantities of […]

Dollhouse Miniatures, Donkeys, and a Mini Food Class!
The past couple of months have been a whirlwind of miniatures and massage therapy school, the latter of which I’ll be finishing up at the end of August–hurrah! I have loads of things to catch you up on, including an in-person class I’ll be teaching this fall, so read on… First off, my husband and […]

Food Props: A Caulk and Styrofoam Cake
I had an opportunity to work on a food prop for Chicago’s The Floating Opera Company’s production of The Quantum Mechanic–super fun! Time was of the essence, and I am totally indebted to this Fake ‘n’ Bake blog post for pointing me in the right direction in terms of supplies and methods. Here’s my shopping […]

Om Donuts for Yogis
To counteract the rather Gollum-like posture I slip into while I’m sculpting tiny food, I love to do yoga a few times a week. So, in honor of my practice I’ve melded two of life’s most awesome experiences: yogic bliss and donuts. This mini food charm is the perfect accessory for yogis who don’t take themselves too seriously […]

Mouse Finds a House
My mom found an old book in a second-hand shop, and she knew immediately that it was right up my alley. I’m sure you can see why. 😉 The book contains a few little stories, and the first is about Mouse hunting for a new house, which reminded me a lot of the Nutmegs’ adventure. Well, […]

Gift Wrap Option + Holiday Shipping Deadlines
The holidays are right around the corner! Here are two ways to make your holiday shopping easy and fun. I now offer gift-wrapping service for all of my items. Check it out here.

20% Tutorial Sale (And Super Cute Mini Foods Pics)
Wish you were going back to school to learn how to make miniature food? Well, now you can! (I’m not offering mini food degrees…yet.) Learn how to sculpt hyper realistic foods and save 20% during my Get Schooled Sale. Use coupon code MINISCHOOL between now and midnight, September 19, 2015 to get your discount. This coupon […]

Polymer Clay Cakes for Dollhouses (and Ears)
While we work, the mice and I often have movies playing in the background, and yesterday ended up being a Tinkerbell day. A friend had recommended one of the new Tinkerbell movies, and now I can see why. The movies take place in Pixie Hollow, which is filled with tiny fairy houses and the most […]

You’re going to LOVE these DIY projects!
If you’ve been considering downloading one of my miniature food tutorial books, hold your tiny horses, because I have an awesome deal that will get you not only my book, but an entire library of DIY eBooks and eCourses. Here are the juicy details: For the next six days only, you have the opportunity to get The Ultimate […]