The Miniature Dream Room Gets Dreamy

Ohboyohboyohboy…the dream room is finished! Ready for a tiny tour? First, though, here are more details about the museum exhibit, which the room will be a part of. If you’ll be in the Washington, D.C. area between May and January, be sure to check it out at the National Building Museum. All right, on to […]

A (Very) Colorful Miniature Room

It’s been a busy month here in the studio, and the mice and I have been dividing our time between filling orders, working on the mossy mouse house, and building a new commission for a museum in D.C., which we’re super excited about. The commission is for a room box with the theme “dream room,” […]

The Woodland Home Gets Mossy

I am obsessed with moss, so I was thrilled to learn that the Nutmegs are, too, and that they want their little woodland retreat to feature plenty of it. For the past week, the mice and I have been busy plastering the exterior and interior walls, adding a polished pebble foundation, and doing a little […]

March 1, 2016 The Nutmeg Family

New Project: It’s Mousey and Woodland-y

I’ve been working on the new Japanese foods tutorial book, and about a week ago, I hit a major wall. I was feeling serious creative blockage, and I wasn’t enjoying my mini making for the first time in a long time. Mice to the rescue! I’ve decided to take a break on the Japanese food book […]

Mini Food Passport to Japan and Italy

Thanks to The Mouse Market making it on Buzzfeed earlier this week (thanks, Buzzfeed!), the mice and I were slammed with tiny food orders. Now that we’re caught up, it’s time to get back to work on the Japanese food book. But before I show you pics of that, here are some custom-ordered Italian dishes […]

January 29, 2016 dollhouse miniatures

Om Donuts for Yogis

To counteract the rather Gollum-like posture I slip into while I’m sculpting tiny food, I love to do yoga a few times a week. So, in honor of my practice I’ve melded two of life’s most awesome experiences: yogic bliss and donuts. This mini food charm is the perfect accessory for yogis who don’t take themselves too seriously […]

January 20, 2016 Miscelleneous

Mouse Finds a House

My mom found an old book in a second-hand shop, and she knew immediately that it was right up my alley. I’m sure you can see why. 😉 The book contains a few little stories, and the first is about Mouse hunting for a new house, which reminded me a lot of the Nutmegs’ adventure. Well, […]

January 18, 2016 Miscelleneous

I Heart Donuts

Love is in the air! Well, actually I just got the new issue of Martha Stewart Living in the mail, and it’s all pink and hearts, so I’m totally in the mood for Valentine’s Day now. To kick things off, I’ve made two new styles of heart-shaped donut earrings, and I’ve been wanting to make […]

January 15, 2016 dollhouse miniatures

A Year of Miniature Food

2015 was such a great year, and to recap some of the highlights, here’s a tiny tour of some of the many miniatures I made during the year. January Tea party foods and miniature stationery! I wrote two miniature tutorial books in January: Dollhouse Miniature Tea Party Foods and Dollhouse Miniature Stationery Set. February In February, […]

January 13, 2016 dollhouse miniatures

Making Polymer Clay Ice Cream

I’ve been working on custom orders today, and seeing the finished batch of tiny ice cream cone earrings brought a smile to my face–I just had to share. In addition to yummy standbys, chocolate chip and chocolate, I also created two new flavors: creamsicle and peanut butter cup. If you want to make your own miniature ice […]

October 27, 2015 dollhouse miniatures
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