I have lots of new tiny food for you today, both jewelry and dollhouse pieces, plus some updates on what’s been happening in Mouse Market Land.
First off, I’ve been really, really focused on finishing my first romance novel (well, romantasy novel, to be precise), and so, aside from filling daily orders, I haven’t been sculpting any new pieces. The novel is written 💋 and now I’m in the final stages of editing—yay!
But I decided to take all of last week to sculpt, sculpt, sculpt, giving my brain a respite from editing—and I just wanted to create cute stuff.
🌟 Most of these pieces are limited edition, meaning there’s only one available and I won’t be making them again, and the reason for that is it allows me to get super persnickety since I’m not creating pieces I’ll need to replicate in large quantities.
Case in point: These sandwich earrings (there’s also a dollhouse version below), for which I chose to crumb-texture the entire surface of the bread, as opposed to creating a simpler texture by, say, pressing the clay against sandpaper or a toothbrush.
I also experimented with a “seeded” crust, and all those itty-bitty seeds had to be created by hand. Not something I can want to do on repeat!
>> click on any image to go to the Etsy listing!

A couple months ago, I had a custom order for everything bagel earrings, which I loved making!

So, I decided to create an everything bagel breakfast sandwich:

Other things that are hard to create in quantity include messier styles, like these half-eaten cheeseburger earrings, because there are more steps involved to create that bitten-into look.

🍔 This got me on a burger kick, so I made a fast food dollhouse meal, which is bundled with another piece I’d been wanting to experiment with: a dropped ice cream cone. This was so fun to make! I loved fussing over the drippy bits.

And speaking of ice cream, I made a pair of ice cream sandwich earrings, taking my time with the melty edges and crumbs. Again, all of the pieces I’ve mentioned thus far are limited edition with only one available, so be sure to grab your faves before they’re gone.

What would ice cream be without cake, amiright? 😏 I made an earring and a dollhouse version of a rose-pistachio cake. (Oh, if only they were edible!)

And finally, I went a little donut crazy. First off is a duo of earrings (as in, you’ll get two pairs in one when you buy): boston cream + glazed jelly-filled donuts.

🍩 The remaining three pairs of earrings I’m pretty sure I’ll be offering in my regular inventory, but for now there’s just one pair of each that’s already made and ready to ship. I had a blast making the icing extra drippy and realistic.

What a fun week! 😍

Last but not least, recently I’ve been having fun using Dall-E to create “claymation” scenes. Check out this adorable mouse house and kitchen!!

That’s it for now, my friend. Hope your week’s off to a great start!
Mo and the Mice 🐭