I’ve been working hard on the new miniature food tutorial book, How to Sculpt Miniature Bakery Treats from Polymer Clay, and the finish line is in sight. Many of you are well familiar with the process by now, but if you’re new, the book comes together in the following stages: I draft the table of contents, sculpt and photograph all of the pieces for the projects, write the tutorial content, create the layout and design of the book, and finally, I drop all of the content into the layout and arrange and fuss over it until it’s completed.

At this point, I am 80% of the way done with the sculpting, photographing and writing portions, which means that once I finish these last few projects (Battenberg cake, cupcakes, and a few other treats), I will be ready to design the book and input all of the content. The layout stage is much less time consuming than what I’ve completed so far, so there’s a very good chance I will have a rough draft of the book finished by the end of the week–fingers crossed!

More sneak peeks from the book can be found below, and remember, if you’re not on the mailing list, be sure to sign up here in order to receive an email (and a discount) once the book is available.

Bear donuts, which, here, I’ve turned into a coffee and donut ring.


Dollhouse bread pudding:

dollhouse-bread-puddingMiniature magic cookie bars:

miniature-cookie-barsMiniature OREO cheesecake:



Miniature fruit tart and fruit galette:



Dollhouse rainbow cake:



Dollhouse miniature Napoleon pastry:
