A few nights ago, I had an idea for making a pair of cupcake earrings that were partially wrapped with a bite taken out…and apparently, my Muse was not in a patient mood, because I found it impossible to sleep until I got up and actually sculpted the piece.

I’ll admit, as sleepy as I was the next morning, it was rather nice to wake up to a finished pair of earrings, like a scene from The Shoemaker’s Elves.

Cupcake Earrings by The Mouse Market

The next day, still in a jewelry mood, I also made the following pieces:

Hot Dog Earrings (get them here)

Hot Dog Earrings by The Mouse Market

S’mores Earrings (currently sold out)

S'mores Earrings by The Mouse Market

Ice Cream Sandwich Earrings (get them here)

Ice Cream Sandwich Earrings by The Mouse Market

Cherry Cheesecake Earrings (get them here)

Cherry Cheesecake Earrings by The Mouse Market