The miniature bakery is coming right along, and I’ve finished all of the brick work for the front and sides of the building–hallelujah! And for now, I’m simply not going to think about the fact that I have to do an entire sheet of bricks for the rear wall. πŸ˜‰

I painted two tiny doors, one for the employee entrance near the back of the bakery and the second is the windowed door you can see below, which isΒ the front entrance of the bakery. At that point, I sort of hit a wall, because I was having trouble deciding how I wanted to finish the bottom edge of the walls.

After a lot of hemming and hawing, I made a test strip of gray stone blocks to see how it looked, and I hated the stone on the front brick wall. But, as it turns out, I liked the way it looked on the white side walls. You can see the stones below, behind the little red bike.

miniature sidewalk stones

I then had a happy accident when I took one of the tumbled marble tiles I bought at the hardware store and placed it in front of the entrance door, like a paving stone. I loved it! The box of tiles had eight in total, so I took them all out and laid them down like a little sidewalk–they’re just what I wanted! I could even buy a cafe table and chairs to set out on one of the stones.

miniature bakery room box

miniature paving stones

For now, here are my thoughts:

  • I don’t want to glue the paving stones to the building as that will probably make the piece much trickier to ship, so for now, I’m going to glue them in two separate strips (one for the side wall and one for the front wall) to a piece of wood so they’re easy to install.
  • On the side wall, there’s a little gap between the paving stones and the wall, and I want to make a tiny strip of grass to fill this spot.
  • I also want to make flower boxes and flower pots that I can arrange on the sidewalk against the wall, but I think the grass would still be a nice touch, peeking through any spaces between the flower pots.

Apologies for the rather blurry picture, but here’s a glimpse of the interior of the bakery now that the bay windows have been installed and the window sills painted. Doesn’t it look eager to be filled with colorful sweets?

miniature bakery room box