This morning, I popped more of my resin casting experiments out of their little molds, and hallelujah–they look good! (Just joining us? You can see my earlier attempts, including a few duds in this post and this one.) The three pieces that I was waiting on were a bottle of Oronamin C, a bottle of […]
More Miniature Bottle Resin Casting Experiments
This morning, I checked the results of the resin I poured yesterday, and sadly, I was disappointed in what I found. A few of the pieces were tacky to the touch, which typically is a sign of inadequate mixing or improper proportions of the resin and hardener, but I discovered something that made me think […]
Casting Molds for Miniature Foods
I’m working on some rings for my personal jewelry stash this week that requires me to do a bit of experimenting. The project is a group of miniature food rings, some of which must be made out of resin, because they are bottles with a high degree of translucency. My plan was to sculpt the bottles first […]
How to Sculpt a Dollhouse Miniature Cake with Flowers
I’ve just finished a custom order for a pretty dollhouse cake topped with a very pale green fondant, encircled with forest green ribbon, and decorated with glittery fondant flowers. I used the fondant cake method outlined in How to Sculpt Miniature Bakery Treats from Polymer Clay to make the smooth cake base. Then, I wrapped […]
Dollhouse Miniatures Photo Shoot
When my latest shipment of dollhouse miniatures arrived this week, I needed to photograph some of the items that I’ve never had in my shop before, and while I had my photography stuff out I thought, why not give some of my other miniatures a sexy makeover? With that in mind, I rephotographed a number […]
This Miniature Cupcake Gave Me Insomnia
A few nights ago, I had an idea for making a pair of cupcake earrings that were partially wrapped with a bite taken out…and apparently, my Muse was not in a patient mood, because I found it impossible to sleep until I got up and actually sculpted the piece. I’ll admit, as sleepy as I […]
DIY Crepe Paper Flowers: My New Addiction
When it’s freezing cold outside, one of my favorite things to do is experiment with new crafts, and this weekend, I found a brand new obsession: crepe paper flowers. I’m using a new book called Paper to Petal, and if you want to get a sneak peek, check out the January/February issue of Martha Stewart […]
Four-Tiered American Girl Valentine Cake
Yesterday, I finished the largest miniature cake I’ve ever made–how’s that for an oxymoron. I’ve made American Girl-sized cakes before, but this one had a whopping four tiers of Valentine’s Day goodness. Violà! If you want more Valentine’s Day awesomeness, be sure to check out my Valentine Pinterest board. You’ll find cute DIY cards and […]
Eye Candy: Cake Bracelets and American Girl Sweets
Last week, I spent most of my time working on custom orders, and I have some yummy-looking photos to share with you, along with tips for making larger, hollow clay foods. For starters, here’s a little carrot cake bracelet that I sculpted for a customer. The cake slices are alternated with little fork charms, each […]
More Valentine’s Day Eye Candy: American Girl Cake
I’ve been working on an American Girl custom order this week, and I have pictures of a super cute checkerboard cake to show you. These larger cakes are quite time consuming, because there’s so much surface area that needs to be turned into cake crumb texture, but it’s fun to be able to fit in […]