Dollhouse Veal Milanese, Eggplant Rollatini, and More Miniature Italian Foods

I got quite a bit finished yesterday for the upcoming Italian foods book, so I have lots of pictures for you today! If you’ve missed the first two posts, be sure to check out more yummy Italian pics here and here. For today’s dishes, first off we have a delicious platter of veal milanese with deliciously crispy […]

Dollhouse Miniature Pizza, Fettuccine Alredo, and Chicken Piccata

Work on the upcoming Italian foods book continues, and yesterday I finished three more dishes: a pizza Margherita, a plate of fettuccine alfredo, and chicken piccata. The pizza has a bubbly, browned crust, mozzarella, basil, and homemade tomato sauce. (Get the cutting board here.) I’ll also be including instructions for a more Americanized pizza with […]

Dollhouse Miniature Italian Foods: A New Book!

At long last, I’ve finally begun work on the next issue of The Dollhouse Chef Series, and this time one is all about Italian foods–buon appetito!  I have the entire table of contents mapped out, and while there’s always room for changes at this stage, it looks like the final book will have between 30 to […]

How to Make Polymer Clay Ice Cream

I have miniature summer foods on the brain right now so today, I’m going to show you how to use my miniature ice cream cone and scoop molds to create a messier scoop of ice cream that overflows out of the cone. The inspiration for this type of scoop came from a photo I saw […]

Miniature Cake and Ice Cream: Colorful Food Jewelry

I’ve been on a serious color kick lately, and I spent most of yesterday working on miniature sweets jewelry, including rainbow cake rings and earrings, colorful ice cream earrings, and a pair of carrot cake earrings. Rainbow Cake Ring Rainbow cake earrings Colorful ice cream earrings–I took pictures of the steps involved in making the […]

Crepe Paper Flower Cards for Mother’s Day

My obsession with crepe paper flowers is still going strong, and this time, I decided to turn them into Mother’s Day cards. (Well, that and one birthday card for a bestie.) The flowers are built around a piece of floral wire, so I was able to wind this around into a little base, which I then […]

May 8, 2014 Miscelleneous

Making a Miniature Bottled Drink Ring

I sculpted more miniature food rings last week for my personal jewelry collection, and one in particular, a bottled drink ring, required a bit of sculpting experimentation. I’ll show you what I ended up doing to create the piece here. For starters, I sculpted the base of the bottle, minus the cap, out of polymer clay. I […]

How to Make Dollhouse Miniature Sweets: Candy Brittle

I made two batches of miniature brittle for a custom order this week, and I’d like to share my technique with you so you can make tiny brittle of your own. Here, I’ll outline how to make brittle with chunks of ice cream cone and roasted peanuts, but you can substitute any mix ins you like. […]

American Girl Easter Cakes

My studio is still an explosion of Easter colors this week, and I’ve just finished a duo of American Girl cakes, complete with cute bunnies, ducks, and lots of pastels. At the request of reader Janice M., I’m also working on a short tutorial book detailing how to make American Girl cakes, and I’ve finished […]

New Easter Tutorial + New Mini Food Molds

I have loads of surprises for you today, my lovelies. Reader Susan B. requested that I make Easter molds, and I didn’t know if I’d be able to pull it off with all of the custom orders due this week, but…ta da! Not only are there brand new molds in my shop, I’ve also written […]

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