My new Christmas tutorial book is coming out very soon (probably next week), and I am so excited about one of the projects, which I just finished tonight while singing along to Elvis Christmas songs, that I had to share some pictures. The only snag is that the piece is meant to be viewed in a dark room, and this makes it really hard to photograph in all its tiny glory.

Let me explain what it is, so you have some idea of what you’re looking at, and next week I’ll take clearer photos. This project is a tiny living room decked out for Christmas with a decorated tree, lots of presents, toys, and hung stockings, all inside of a box that’s made to look like a Christmas present. 🙂 I used an electric tealight in one corner, and this produces a flickering glow, just like a miniature fireplace. In short, I want to crawl inside this little room and hang out all December. *happy sigh*

All right, let’s take a look at some photos…

Here’s the snow-dusted bay window from the front. There’s a little wooden toy train on the window sill.

Miniature Christmas room box by The Mouse Market

There are two mice sitting on the satin velvet couch, and they’re pieces from my childhood. I remember having them when I was as young as nine years old! Mice are a requirement at Christmas in my book, because I love ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse

Here are some grainy views of the tree with a string of real lights, the stockings hung on the wall, and the shiny presents and rocking horse gathered around the tree.

rockingHorseDark stockingsDark Dollhouse miniature Christmas tree

And last but not least, a letter to Santa accompanied by a glass of milk (I still need to make the cookies) and carrots for the reindeer. Part of the letter: “I have been very good this year. Can I please have a new mouse?” 😉 Totally something I would have written to Santa as a kid.

Dollhouse miniature Christmas room box by The Mouse Market

This entire box, with the exception of the couch, end table and mirror hanging on the wall, was made from inexpensive pieces from the craft store. I can’t wait to finish the book and show you how to make one, too! Be sure to sign up for my mailing list to get an email once the book is available.