The book is nearing completion, and I’ve finished all of the writing and the layout as of yesterday. The writing has been dropped into the layout, and tomorrow I’ll be working on dropping all of the project photos in as well. There’s a small handful of photos that I need to take again, because I’m not happy with the quality, but those can be done fairly quickly on Monday. Whew! Things are really coming together.

I may have gone a little nuts with the projects this time, because even without the photos the book is 100 pages. At least you know you’ll be getting LOTSย of mini food instruction, that’s for sure!

Below are two pages from the table of contents (this is not the complete content listing); the “XX” on each picture is a placeholder for the future page number. Things will be a bit quiet on the blog for the next few days, as the less I blog the faster the book gets done. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Make sure to sign up for my mailing list here to get an email once the book is available!

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