I’ve been in a freebie mood lately, and I have another free download for you! (If you didn’t get the miniature bakery inspiration booklet, you can do so here.)

Today’s gift is a strawberry ice box pie tutorial. This project builds on techniques in Dollhouse Miniature Carnival Foods and shows you how to take what you’ve learned in that book and turn it into…a tiny pie! You can get the mold for the pie crust here.


When you sign up for my mailing list using the link above, you’ll get the pie tutorial, plus a bunch of other free tutorials. And if you’re already on my mailing list, check your inbox–the free pie tutorial should be waiting for you. 🙂

dollhouse miniature pie by The Mouse Market dollhouse miniature pie by The Mouse Market dollhouse miniature pie by The Mouse Market

Take a peek at the real pie on my Pinterest board, Foods I Want to Miniaturize.