Sometimes, my miniature food projects don’t turn out quite the way I planned. I’m working on a new tutorial book right now, and it’s all about carnival foods. One of the projects is a multi-colored snow cone, and let’s just say things took a turn for the silly.

My first attempt resulted in shaved ice that was too opaque, but I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to start over from scratch and could instead remove the ice from the snow cone base and redo it from there.

I managed to peel the “ice” off, and lo and behold, it looked like a little clown wig.

miniature clown Wig

Which then left me no choice other than to do this:

clown Mouse

My second attempt resulted in a much better snow cone, but I’d say the diversion was well worth it. 😉 Receive an email once the new carnival foods book is available by signing up here.
