My obsession with crepe paper flowers is still going strong, and this time, I decided to turn them into Mother’s Day cards. (Well, that and one birthday card for a bestie.)

The flowers are built around a piece of floral wire, so I was able to wind this around into a little base, which I then glued to the paper-covered cardboard card. But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, the flowers:

flowersBranch flowers3 flowers2 flowers flowerClose2 flowerClose Crepe paper flowers by The Mouse Market

And here are some pics of the flowers attached to the cards. Mailing them required a little finagling, and I decided to secure the cards to the bottom of the shipping box with strips of paper that could be easily snipped away to release the card.

base card DSC01628 DSC01631 Crepe paper flower cards for Mother's Day from The Mouse MarketI have bright and colorful miniature food jewelry to show you tomorrow, so be sure to check back!