Last week, I put the finishing touches on the miniature food rings I’ve been working onย for my own personal stash of jewelry. Well…all but one of the designs is finished, but more on that in a moment. First, pictures! And lots of them. ๐Ÿ™‚

miniature food rings by The Mouse Market

polymer clay food rings by The Mouse Market

miniature food rings by The Mouse Market

cute food rings by The Mouse Market

candy rings by The Mouse Market

As for the last design that I’m still wrapping up, in an earlier post I showed you pictures of a packaged cake that I’ve been working on miniaturizing. My initial plan, which involved baking the base of the package first and then setting it on top of un-cured resin to seal the two together almost worked…but not quite. It was simply too tricky to position the pieces together without accidentally smooshing the resin all over the place–what a mess! The failed attempts:

resin casting that didn't quite work...with The Mouse Market

failed resin casting experiments...with The Mouse Market

In the end, I decided to make each piece separately and glue them together. Below you can see the packaged cakes waiting to be glued to the ring blanks. I’m quite pleased with how they turned out!

dollhouse miniature cake in a package by The Mouse Market

I’ll have more pictures of other projects I’ve been working on, plus news about brand new miniature food molds, later this week so stay tuned!