Many of you have downloaded your copy of the brand new tutorial book, Building a Miniature Ice Cream Parlor and Bakery (thank you!), but if you haven’t gotten your copy yet, I want to show you a bunch of cute pictures from the book. I also have details on the miniatures used in the bakery, which I will be stocking in my shop; more on that below.

First off, here’s the book’s cover and complete table of contents to give you a peek at all the fun things you’ll be learning how to make.

building a miniature ice cream parlor and bakery tutorial book building a miniature ice cream parlor and bakery tutorial book building a miniature ice cream parlor and bakery tutorial book building a miniature ice cream parlor and bakery tutorial book

I still have a few more details that I’d like to add to the bakery; namely, the exterior of the back wall needs to be finished, and I want to make a plexiglass lid for the top of the room to keep out dust. I also want to make hanging paper lanterns to fit in the front window, and I’ll be sure to post how-tos on all of these finishing details here on the blog.

dollhouse miniature bakery room box by The Mouse Market

Miniature bakery window by The Mouse Market

Dollhouse miniature bakery by The Mouse Market

Miniature Supplies and the Ice Cream Case

I’ve placed an order for the miniature accessories I used in the bakery, and I attempted to get everything that was in stock, from the different styles of dessert cases and the cafe table and chairs, to dish drying racks and candy jars. Please note that I was only able to get from one to a few of each item with this order, so if you want first dibs, please get on my mailing list to receive an email once the items are available.

The ice cream freezer, which many of you have asked about, has turned into a challenge. The only supplier I have ever found that carries the piece has stopped manufacturing it (nooo!), but I’m working on an alternative.

Right now, I’m working with a plastics manufacturer who can cut the acrylic pieces to size, allowing me to assemble cases from scratch, and I have a source for the metal ice cream trays that fit inside. I’m still in the process of figuring out how much this will cost, but I’ll be sending out an email soon to see how many people would like a case once the price is confirmed. Again, please get on my mailing list if you’re interested.

Dollhouse miniature bakery tutorial by The Mouse Market