Today, I finished the last of the miniature cakes for the cake case, adding to the batch I made yesterday. I’m so excited to see the room box fill out, and next on my to-do list is the counter where the cash register and impulse-buy displays will be. Once this counter is done, the room will be over halfway finished, so the end is in sight!

But before I get ahead of myself, here is today’s round up of dollhouse cakes…

First, a surprise-inside rainbow heart cake topped with whipped cream and colorful jellybeans and a sunrise cake topped with tangerine buttercream and pretty orange and pink sprinkles:

Dollhouse miniature cakes by The Mouse Market

And then, a milk chocolate cake decorated with cherry-topped cupcakes:

Polymer clay cakes made by The Mouse Market

If you want to learn how to make the miniature bakery room box and all of the yummy sweets inside it, be sure to sign up for my mailing list here to get an email once the tutorial book is available.

Dollhouse miniature bakery case by The Mouse Market Dollhouse miniature bakery case by The Mouse Market

Dollhouse miniature bakery and ice cream parlor by The Mouse Market Dollhouse miniature bakery and ice cream parlor by The Mouse Market Dollhouse miniature cakes by The Mouse Market