The front wall of the bakery is coming right along thanks to a rather mind-numbing stretch of brickwork last Friday. It took a bit of hunting around at local stores to find the appropriate foam for the bricks, and then there was a bit of trial and error with the brick-making process, all of which will be detailed in the book.

making dollhouse miniature bricks

dollhouse miniature bricks

Suffice it to say, I will be doing the brickwork for the rear wall of the bakery in stages, because doing it all in one go is a little trying on the ol’ patience. I burned through three Netflix documentaries, playing in the background as I worked, before the wall was done. (Incidentally, if you’re into animals, both The Private Life of Deer and Raccoon Nation are really interesting. 😉 )

Once the bricks had been carved it was time to paint them, and this didn’t take nearly as long, thankfully. I was able to paint the bricks and glue the wall to the front of the bakery all in one afternoon. Once the windows were added, I started feeling super excited, because this little room really began to look like a bakery! I love peeking in through the front.

painting miniature bricks

making dollhouse miniature bricks

making a miniature bakery room box

dollhouse miniature bay window

dollhouse miniature bay window

From here, I need to paint and install the two doors, and then I need to figure out how I want to finish the bottom edge of the brick wall and the side walls. Once those areas are done, I can start planning which desserts I’ll be making (aka, spending lots of time on Pinterest).