I’ve been sculpting away on more Italian foods, and work on the upcoming tutorial book is coming right along! If you’ve missed earlier posts about the book, you can get caught upย here.

Yesterday, I sculpted focaccia bread with sea salt and rosemary, which would look lovely as part of an Italian dinner scene or in a miniature bakery.

Dollhouse miniature focaccia from The Mouse Market.

I also made a platter of eggplant parmesan with homemade marinara and gooey, melted cheese–yum!

Miniature eggplant parmesan by The Mouse Market

And finally, the piece that took a bit longer than the others due to the crinkly lasagna noodles, a generous slice of lasagna. Here, I’ve sculpted lasagna with ricotta, marinara, and seasoned ground beef, but you could easily add whichever fillings you’d like.

Dollhouse miniature lasagna by The Mouse Market

Dollhouse miniature lasagna by The Mouse Market

Don’t forget: If you want to receive an email once the Italian foods tutorial book is available, along with a discount on the book, please sign up for my mailing list here. You’ll also get over 50 pages of free tutorials when you sign up!